The pretty dreamy look of this bread that have been popular for a while among bakers catches my eyes, but was holding back due to my mooncake exploration planning which the blog post is in progress!
Coming back to this recipe, I prefer this bread over the other 1st bread recipe Xtreme Express Bread / Buns / Rolls Recipe. WHY? This is way more soft, fluffier, and doesn't have the strong yeast smell/taste.

It's so pretty that you wouldn't believe this recipe only takes approx 110mins or 130mins! Best part you very little time working on it most of the time waiting for the dough to proof.
Bread Dough
200g Bread Flour
15g Condense Milk
120g Fresh Milk
20g Castor Sugar
3g Yeast
3g Salt
20g Unsalted Butter (room temp)
Place all ingredients for bread into a mixing bowl use a dough hook to knead for 10 mins or until dough is shinny.
Remove and shape into a ball. Grease the mixing bowl, place the ball of dough and cover it with Clingwrap and let it proof for 30 mins or double in size.

While waiting let's prepare the other ingredients~
Condense Milk Glaze
20g Condense Milk
20g Unsalted Butter (room temp)
Mix Condense Milk glaze ingredients until smooth.

Final Egg Wash
1 Egg
1 teaspoon Vege Oil
Beat Egg with Vege Oil and strain through a sift before use. You can use any glaze that you have left over from other bakes.
Next, prepare a greased bundt pan or a chiffon tin.
After all these you still have time to play with your phone or laptop.
When 30mins is up, punch down the gas and roll the dough into a rectangle.

Glaze the dough generously with the Condense Milk Glaze. Don't move the rolled dough yet! Cut them in cubes like how you cut pizza by using pizza cutter / baking spread tool / knife / anything that would do the job.
Artistically arrange the dough cubes around the inner ring and building upwards of the greased bundt pan.

Cover it with Clingwrap and let it proof for 40 mins.
5mins before the second proof is completed. Preheat overn to 170ºC.
When 30mins is up, brush egg wash onto the bread and sprinkle your toppings.

Bake for 25mins. Remove from oven and dust it with icing Sugar. When it is totally cool you may wanna dust it again with icing sugar, as the previous one would have melted.
Below is my creations: All here to share! Will update more soon as i get inspired. Below are the experimented best approx weight of other required ingredients to give this recipe a twist. You may add as much as you & your love ones like!
Cranberries & Almond Condense Milk Bread
For Topping
50g Cranberries
70g sliced Raw Almonds
Part of the topping can be used as filling sprinkles to be added on after glazing the dough generously with the Condense Milk Glaze.

Dark Chocolate Crumble Condense Milk Bread
For Topping
40g All Purpose Flour
4g Unsweeten Cocoa Powder
35g Brown Sugar
25g Butter (room temp)
50g Dark Chocolate Droplets
Mix All Purpose Flour, Unsweeten Cocoa Powder, Brown Sugar, Butter until well combine. It'll look like Crumbs, stir in Dark Chocolate Droplets and set aside to use after glazing the second proof.
Part of the topping can be used as filling sprinkles to be added on after glazing the dough generously with the Condense Milk Glaze. However, sprinkle only the cumble without Dark Chocolate Droplets. Also, be caution not to sprinkle too generously as it will break the structure apart.

Click here for our blog page Baking Classes for more recipes. Hope you will be inspired~
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