Showing posts with label Recipe: Broccoli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipe: Broccoli. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Broccoli with Egg Gravy (Wat Tan a.k.a. 滑蛋)

1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil
1 head diced Garlic
2 florets Broccoli
1 tablespoon of Filtered Water
125ml Filtered Water (Optional: Chicken Stock, Vegetable Stock)
1 teaspoon Corn Flour
0.5 teaspoon Salt
0.5 teaspoon Sugar
1 teaspoon Worcester Sauce
1 teaspoon Fish Sauce
2 teaspoons Shaoxin Wine
Dash of White Pepper
1 beaten whole egg (Optional: 1 whole Egg White only)

Part 1: Heat pan then add Vegetable Oil. Pick up the pan and carefully swirl it to coat the bottom and sides. Add the Garlic and stir them until fragrant. Add Broccoli and 1 tablespoon of Filtered Water, cover and cook. Stir-fry until the broccoli is bright colored or until cooked. Dish the cooked broccoli into the serving plate, if possible leave the cooked garlic in the pan.

Part 2: Using the same pan. Pour in the mixed Filtered Water & Corn Flour, bring it to a simmer. Add all the seasoning (Salt, Sugar, Worcester Sauce, Fish Sauce, Shaoxin Wine, White Pepper), stir and let it simmer down.

Lastly, remove pan from heat and slowly drizzle in beaten egg, stirring gently with a fork in a clockwise motion. Pour egg gravy over Broccoli.

Below are my creations of varieties hopefully it'll inspire you. Hope you all will love this recipe.

Broccoli, Wolf-berries with Egg Gravy
1 tablespoon dried Wolf-berries

Add into Part 2 before adding all the seasoning.

Broccoli, Carrots with Egg Gravy
1 handful of sliced Carrot

Add into Part 1 together with the Broccoli.

Click here for our blog page Cooking Recipes - Chinese Cuisine for more recipes. Hope you will be inspired~

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Steam Broccoli and Shiitake Mushroom Recipe

It's a myth or it might be scientifically proven thatsteam vege will retain all the nutritional value. So, here we are trying out steam vegetables. It's tricky to not over steam if not it'll be too soft and turn yellowish green.

1 Broccoli (cut to bite size, stem slice thinly.)
4 cloves of Garclic (thinly sliced)
4 big Fresh Shiitake Mushroom or 6-8 small Fresh Shiitake Mushroom

Arrange broccoli, sprinkle the Garlick and shiitake mushrooms in a steaming plate and put in the steamer to steam for no longer then 15mins.

Sauce Ingredients
1 tablespoon Oyster Sauce
1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
1 teaspoon Sesame Oil
Cornstarch Slurry (Stir up 1 tsp Cornflour + 1/2 cup Water)
pepper to taste

Place Oyster Sauce, Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil in a sauce pan when it start bubbling add in the Cornstarch Slurry and let it simmer not forgetting to occasionally stirring it. Off the fire when it is slightly thicken.

When the Brocolli and Shiitake Mushroom are done steaming, pour the sauce over and serve!


Click here for our blog page Cooking Classes for more recipes. Hope you will be inspired~

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Baked Halibut Fish on top of Broccoli and Shiitake Mushroom

A friend of mine in office, keep insisted me to try this recipe of hers. She promoted to me as easy to prepare less hassle, ,very delicious and healthy. After a long while of our fridge to clear off our cooking supply, we got hold of a Halibut Fish Fillet and here is the recipe of our wonderfully healthy dinner.

Sauce Ingredients
1 whole peel Garlic
4 tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 teaspoon of Dry Italian Herbs
Dash of Salt

Step 1 Peel and pound up the Garlic.
Step 2 Add in the Olive Oil, Dry Italian Herbs and Salt and be gentle and slowly pound it.
Step 3 Set aside to be used later.

1 Halibut Fish Fillet
1 whole cut up blenched Broccoli (you can add traffic light Capsicum to make it more colorful)
8 Shiitake Mushrooms
1 thick slice of Butter
1/2 Lemon for serving (optional)

Step 1 Put a pot of water to boil and place in the cut up the Broccoli for blenching. Meanwhile quarter the Shiitake Mushrooms.
Step 2 Pre-heat the oven to 180°C. Arrange the Shiitake Mushroom in the baking pan.
Step 3 When the Broccoli turns bright green arrange them in the pan like the Shiitake Mushrooms.
Step 4 Place the Halibut Fish Fillet on top.
Step 5 Spread the Sauce mixed prepared earlier over the whole fish and if there is extra pour it on the Broccoli & Shiitake Mushrooms.
Step 6 Lastly, a few slices of butter over the fish.
Step 7 Bake for about 25 to 30mins. Serve immediately with a few Lemon Wedges.

Click here for our blog page Cooking Classes for more recipes. Hope you will be inspired~